Can StemEnhance, stem cell nutrition, help my compression Fracture?

by Elaine Newman
(Sooke, BC, Canada)

I fell from my horse a few days ago, and have a small compression fracture of Lumbar 4 vertebrae....will the stem cell enhancer,StemEnhance, speed the healing process? ... or what exactly can it do for my recovery if anything.


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Oct 04, 2011
Ugly is as ugly says
by: Anonymous

Anyone can say anything at any time expecially if they choose to remain anonymous. Just sayin...

Sep 28, 2011
I should think so!
by: Diane Theron

Hi Elaine,

I don't know when you posted your question, I just found it by mistake! I am not a spokesperson for the company by any means but have just recently signed on as an independent distributor because I saw the benefits that my best friend experienced. She started taking StemEnhance about a year ago.

1. She was forced to delay surgery on her knee and started taking the SE. By the time the surgery date rolled by,(I think it was around 6 months but am open to correction) her knee had healed itself. Not because the product is a miracle drug, but because it releases additional adult stem cells into your system, which then adds to your own natural stem cells whose responsibility it is to renew and repair cells.

Visible side affects:

2. She is 62 years old and looks 45.

3. She has sex 5 times a week!

So in my humble opinion, I think that StemEnhance would help accelerate the spinal fusion.

Feel free to email me if you want more info. What I don't know, I can find out!

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