Best HORSE NUTRITION could be STEM CELL RELEASER Supplements Added to Horse's Feed!

Investigate all your horse nutrition good health Options. World's First Stem Cell Releaser Granules for horses that you just add to your Horse's feed are receiving amazing testimonies.

Results are MILLIONS More of your Horse's Own Bone Marrow Adult Stem cells being released into the blood stream to RENEW and REPAIR your Horse's body FASTER! NO Harvesting of Equine Stem Cells. NO Injections of Equine Stem Cells. It is a Simple Daily Stem Cell RELEASE and Stem cell REPLACEMENT Wellness Procedure incorporating Stem Cell Releaser Supplements.

Best Horse Supplement Reviews and Equine Nutrition

Question: Do you Want to know the latest facts on nutrition supplements for your horse .. and a natural health food for horses .. Equine Stem Cell Nutrition and Stem Cell Releaser Granules that you add to your horses grain and feed ?

Then you have come to the RIGHT PLACE ! We'll examine the latest STEM CELL OPTIONS for OPTIMAL HEALTH for horses. It’s a completely NEW wellness category called .. Adult Stem Cell RELEASERS.. for optimal horse nutrition.

We'll look at what they are .. what they do … and most importantly … how they can help maintain your horses health and help repair their bodies.

First, let's look at what adult stem cell releasers are.

With the recent popularity and medical promise surrounding stem cells, there have been many researchers working to find the best way to utilize them.

Adult Stem Cell Scientists have worked and experimented with natural ingredient formulations that has led to the discovery that a propriety patented equine formulation triggered the release of adult stem cells from the bone marrow.

Other studies involving mice have shown that adult stem cells from the bone marrow constitute the renewal system of the body and putting the two together meant that the category of adult stem cell nutrition and stem cell releaser supplements was created for people and animal wellness.

Next, let's look at what many consider the best horse nutrition and exactly what Equine Stem Cell Releasers do.

Adult stem cell nutrition does ONE thing.. and one thing ONLY … ...triggers the RELEASE of MILLIONS MORE adult stem cells from the bone marrow into Blood CIRCULATION.

Where these stem cells go from here, depends on the individual body regeneration needs of the person or animal. But remember this FACT : ... *** ...It's our miracle God given Stem Cells that are responsible for repairing and renewing the aging, injured or diseased tissues and organs of the body.,

We are all aware that are cells are constantly under threat and require replacement, what the stem cells do is just that. If there is an injury or other condition, then there is an extra need for repair in addition to the normal breakdown and renewal cycle.

Finally, let's look at how they can help maintain the best horse nutrition. Since horses are also placental mammals, they have the exact same system of renewal being adult stem cells from their bone marrow. Horses also have the added disadvantage of their weight. This puts on great pressure on their legs and joints and many of us have had the sad task of having to put a horse down. Add to this.. Arthritis .. and other common ailments and older horses can really be in a great deal of pain on a daily basis.

It's little wonder that many horse owners who have given their older horses a stem cell enhancer supplement have noticed remarkable changes in their horses. And there is nothing more to it, other than adult stem cells being released from the bone marrow, which then migrate into the blood stream and then renew and rebuild the tissues and organs in your horses body that are in need of repair.

On this page you will find some additional information about the latest in horse nutrition, equine supplements, adult stem cell enhancers. Do your investigation as to what they are, what they do and most importantly, what they can do to help maintain your horse's health.

Scientists have taught us from recent studies that adult stem cells from the bone marrow are the way the body renews and repairs itself.

You mix the Equine stem cell nutrition granules directly into your horses feed. Then, look forward, as your horses live long, productive lives, enjoying NATURAL Optimal health into their golden years .

Horses being helped by Adult Stem Cells .. See these Amazing VIDEOS

Veterinarian Studies Bone Marrow Derived Stem Cells Helping Horses

Treating Horses with Bone Marrow-Derived
Stem Cells by: Nancy S. Loving, DVM

Stem cell therapy has been used for soft tissue injuries, including stifle meniscal lesions following surgical debridement, and for treating tendon injuries. Bone marrow-derived stem cells are reported to achieve improved bone and cartilage effects as compared to fat-derived stem cells. It takes two to three weeks from the time marrow cells are collected from a horse's pelvis or sternum until cells are ready for injection. Dora Ferris, DVM, of the Orthopedic Research Center at Colorado State University, discussed the use of bone marrow-derived stem cells at the American Association of Equine Practitioners (AAEP) convention.

Ferris described evaluating treatment success in a variety of musculoskeletal disorders with a mean follow-up of 21 months (range seven to 39 months) on 101 patients. It should be noted there were no control groups in the study for comparing success between treated and nontreated horses; however, Ferris reported that investigators on previously published studies used controls for horses treated with meniscal, tendon, or ligament injuries. The current study reported that 64% of treated horses returned to full work, while 22% returned to work with increased therapy or at a lesser level, but there was a reported 8% re-injury rate. Fourteen percent did not return to work.

All sport horses and 91% of racehorses with superficial digital flexor tendon injuries returned to work following stem cell therapy. Twenty percent of racehorses that returned to racing following stem cell treatment, rest, and rehabilitation re-injured themselves, whereas 66% of horses experienced re-injury when undergoing conservative treatment or rest and rehabilitation. Encouragingly, Ferris noted that 78% of horses treated for chronic suspensory ligament injuries were able to return to work following stem cell treatment after failing to improve with other conventional treatments.

Veterinarians in this study conducted intra-articular (IA) stem cell therapy mostly on Western performance horses. Of these, 73% returned to work--35% resumed full function and 38% performed with increased maintenance or at a lesser level, although 67% of these were reconditioning with the likelihood of return to full function. Athletic function could not be re-attained by 27%. Fifty-four percent of horses with severe joint injuries returned to work; in comparison, stem cell treatment of horses with minor injuries saw 100% return to work. Three horses experienced transient increased soreness following IA treatment. Severe meniscal injuries appeared more improved with stem cell treatment compared to prior published reports of surgery alone.

Ferris summarized that bone marrow-derived stem cell therapy in this early prospective clinical study encouraged investigators by demonstrated improvement, particularly when compared to previously published reports on conventional treatment results.

Readers are cautioned to seek the advice of a qualified Veterinarian before proceeding with any diagnosis, treatment, or therapy.

Life-Changing Horse Nutrition Testimonials For Stem Cell Enhancer Granules That Are Added To Horses Feed

Eve‐Marie Lucerne, Florida

Eve‐Marie keeps nine horses, “all older thoroughbreds,” and was eager to participate in the trials of stem cell enhancer granules for horse nutrition. She shared her allotment of test product with a few large commercial thoroughbred farms, veterinarians and other “horse people” she knows, and has been pleased with the consistently excellent results she has seen and others have reported to her. “This product will help so many animals,” she says, adding, “People and animals are more alike than we are different. So it makes sense that a stem cell enhancer for animals will be promoted as the "BEST HORSE NUTRITION" too.”

Eve‐Marie's pet product trials showed dramatic results. “For several horses facing serious physical challenges, cases where the animals might have had to be put down, we saw a return to quality of life. This did not happen before the added stem cell nutrition” Eve‐Marie says that this turnaround was quick, less than two weeks in many cases, and that the subject horses were back to health and enjoying pasture life within a month.

One of the unofficial trial subjects for the granule stem cell nutrition for horses, was a 30 year old donkey who was “in bad shape,” Eve‐Marie reports. “He had chronic respiratory difficulty and could move about only haltingly.” His owner had adult stem cell nutrition capsules to help with her own serious health challenges and shared it with the donkey.

“The donkey's owner says this is the first winter she wasn't sick,and her donkey is walking all around, feeling great and enjoying life again .. thanks to the best horse nutrition ever!”

Stephen Dick, Florida

Farrier and Natural Hoof practitioner Stephen Dick received some of the trial product from Eve‐Marie, and had good results with the two horses he selected for horse nutrition trial. For a 12‐year‐old quarter horse stallion, the equine product brought dramatic results. “This horse used to lie down twenty‐two hours of the day, because he suffered discomfort whenever he stood,” Steve reports, continuing, “After a couple of weeks with the stem cell enhancer horse nutrition, he was getting up and moving around, showing no discomfort.”

For a high‐spirited mare with a problem leg, the equine product brought about a whole new lease on life, Steve says. “This horse had been in a stall for eight months. After about six weeks taking the horse nutrition stem cell enhancer product with her grain, her condition had improved and she was out of the stall, walking around in the pasture again.”

Steve says that the mare's owner was so impressed with the results her horse received with the horse nutrition product that she began taking adult stem cell nutrition capsules herself for an inflammatory problem that had kept her in misery for a long time. Within weeks, the owner's discomfort was gone, and Steve had acquired a new customer for both of the great stem cell nutrition products!

Sara Vaughan, California

Sara participated in the equine stem cell nutrition product trials with her two horses and her 80‐pound mixed‐breed dog. She noted significant improvement in the health and quality of life for all three animals during the time of the trials. For J.J., Sara's 18‐year old quarter horse, the horse nutrition product brought about improvements in his overall mood, appearance and alertness quickly. “He really liked the product from the beginning,” Sara reports, pointing out that Hank, her 16‐year‐old thoroughbred/quarter horse, had not taken to the taste of it too readily. “I was able to slowly wean him on it, though,” she says.

For Hank, the equine product was a balm for the skin problems resulting from his allergy to fly bites. “His skin condition improved dramatically.” Sara reports, noting that before the equine product the horse had scratched and bitten himself into open wounds; after the equine product, the scratching and biting dropped off to almost nothing. Sara also noticed an increase in Hank's energy and liveliness in the first week on this fantastic horse nutrition product.

The horse's foot and hip discomforts also responded well, leading to a noticeable increase in his mobility and an overall improvement in his quality of life throughout the two‐month study. Sara gave the pet product to her dog Roxy, who had suffered for two years with ear problems that led to scratching, often until her skin was raw. Vet‐recommended remedies had been “temporary, quick‐fixes,” Sara says, but the discomfort always returned “with a vengeance.”

For the pet trials, Sara gave Roxy the stem cell enhancer product for two months, noting “this is the only supplement she was getting.” Sara says, “Roxy's problem with her ears definitely improved, the hair has grown back on her head and ears, and the ear problem has not recurred,” adding that Roxy is “happier and engaging, more playful,” thanks to stem cell nutrition tablets for Dogs..

Judy Fisher, West Virginia

The horse you see here is the “after” picture of Little Joe, a small 18‐year‐old quarterhorse that Judy Fisher bought when he was nearly 400 pounds underweight. “You could count his ribs,” Judy says, remembering, “and his backbone stuck up like a ridge all along his back. He was very, very thin!” Little Joe also suffered from breathing problems that kept him lethargic and inactive. Vet recommended remedies were unsuccessful in changing Little Joe's physical problems, and the vet told Judy he didn't expect Little Joe to live through the winter.

When Judy was asked to participate in the equine stem cell nutrition product trials, she agreed. “I figured Little Joe was in such bad shape that anything was worth a try,” she says. She began giving the horse the stem cell nutrition granules with his feed and grain twice a day.

Within a couple of weeks, Judy was surprised to see Little Joe beginning to gain weight and to run, buck, snort and kick. His breathing was no longer labored and his skin and coat were improving. Within six weeks, Little Joe's overall appearance had changed dramatically. He had put on almost 300 pounds.

When his former owner came to visit,” Judy says, “he didn't recognize Little Joe. That's how different he looked!”Judy credits the equine stem cell nutrition, for the new life in her horse. She says, “Little Joe has regained his health and vitality in only a few weeks with this amazing product.

Stem Cell Horse Nutrition and Regenerative Medicine to Help Your Horse

Regenerative Medicine & Horse Nutrition (Stem Cell) Conference

Regenerative medicine-- which may include best horse nutrition, approaches the body's own ability to heal, including methods such as stem cell therapy--might make the idea of "Horse, heal thyself," a real possibility. Nearly 300 practicing veterinarians, university researchers, cell biologists, biomedical engineers, veterinary technicians, students, mainstream medical doctors, and orthopedic specialists/surgeons gathered in California’s Santa Ynez Valley for the first North American Veterinary Regenerative Medicine Conference.

Legal Disclaimer:

These articles, products, statements, testimonials, reviews, and videos, have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. They are for educational and informational purposes only and do not constitute medical advice. The opinions expressed herein are those of the authors and ANY products mentioned or referenced are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent ANY disease or illness.

For information on supporting your body’s natural ability to release stem cells, and to take advantage of any financial opportunities involving optimal health ,stem cells and stem cell enhancers …

….Watch this VIDEO of the “World’s First” Stem Cell Enhancer